Frequently asked questions

Since every cover and therefore every project is very individual, there is no general answer. Let’s talk about your project by mail. I offer fixed prices for independent authors and small publishers. You can check out the price list here.

If everything fits in terms of time and finances, I will send you my questionnaire with all the important information about your project that I will need. Alternatively, you can create a briefing for me yourself.

At the agreed time I will create my cover draft, on which you will give me feedback. The first draft can of course be completely discarded if it does not meet your taste.

So far, I can’t think of a genre that I wouldn’t design.

I use the Adobe Creative Cloud and Blender. My image material mostly comes from image databases like Shutterstock. Often I also use licensed 3D material, if I don’t model it myself. I no longer use images from artificial intelligences such as Midjourney for all projects requested after December 2022 for ethical reasons. These were previously used in edited parts of image compositions.

Prices for indie authors & small publishers


1.200 + 7% VAT
  • E-Book/Front Cover incl. 3 design rounds

  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.


1.430 + 7% VAT
  • E-Book/Front Cover incl. 3 design rounds
  • Paperback cover incl. 2 design rounds

  • Bookmark incl. 2 design rounds
  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.


2.180 + 7% VAT
  • E-book/Front cover incl. 3 design rounds

  • Paperback cover, incl. 2 design rounds

  • Bookmark incl. 2 design rounds

  • Hardcover decorative edition with dust jacket and book cover design
  • Finishing file for dust jacket of your choice

  • Sprayed edges design 3 sides
  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.