
Prices for indie authors & small publishers


1.200 + 7% VAT
  • E-Book/Front Cover incl. 3 design rounds

  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.


1.430 + 7% VAT
  • E-Book/Front Cover incl. 3 design rounds
  • Paperback cover incl. 2 design rounds

  • Bookmark incl. 2 design rounds
  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.


2.180 + 7% VAT
  • E-book/Front cover incl. 3 design rounds

  • Paperback cover, incl. 2 design rounds

  • Bookmark incl. 2 design rounds

  • Hardcover decorative edition with dust jacket and book cover design
  • Finishing file for dust jacket of your choice

  • Sprayed edges design 3 sides
  • Title PNG, background JPG for social media and book layout

See detailed price list for additional information.